retrocities deluxe

in the mood for a good spring roll, with some duck sauce . . .

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

my vow

so i created a "blog". i have done this mostly in attempt to slowly incorporate words which i have made up into everyday vernacular. before i actually begin this delicate experiment, i am going to publicly make a vow for everyone, if anyone, who should stumble across this. It reads as follows:

I vow:
-to not use words like blogdom, blogiverse, bloggify or any other word which sounds similar, is not real and although the creator may think it is clever, knows is not.
- to use other words which i make up without shame.
- to not consider myself elite and the superior voice of any given subject because i have a blog. i reserve the right to consider myself the superior voice of any given subject for any number of other reasons.
- to talk occasionaly about dirigibles, blimps, zeppelins or other large flying devices.
- not bore the reader, should there be any, with my day to day feelings or ponderings which no one wishes to read.
- completely bore the reader, should there be any, with plenty of other inconsequentialities.