retrocities deluxe

in the mood for a good spring roll, with some duck sauce . . .

Saturday, July 28, 2007

allegheny river

i have returned from my vacation and decided i would again update my blog with the latest of happenings. my brother and i spent five days conoeing the allegheny river from its humble beginnings at the kinzua dam to the quaint town of emlenton. we completed this trek in a large unwieldy, yet surprisingly nimble metal canoe.

we covered 107 miles of this beautiful pennsylvania terrain, camping on islands, trying to get my camera out in time to get pictures of herons, eagles and other assorted wildlife and deftly maneuvering rapids and riffles along the way. we had zero tippages, and this included us making it through the class 2 rapids in oil city.

the fishing was fantastic, with both of us bringing in about 10 smallmouth bass each. we really only spent the last two days (franklin to emlenton) fishing, so i cant really verify how the fishing was for the first part of the trip. if anyone reading this has a weekend to kill, and enjoys extended periods of time in a boat, i highly recommend putting in around franklin and riding it down to emlenton. river maps can be found at the pa fish and boat commission webpage ( well, thats enough on that, i really just wanted to post a few pictures, but felt i needed dialouge to accompany them.


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